Romeo and Juliet Book Feedback

Romeo and Juliet - The Full Doodling Edition

Thank you for dropping by to leave some feedback for the book ‘Romeo and Juliet: The Full Doodling Edition’. I really appreciate you having taken time to do this; it really helps me to know how the book is received.

Please answer what you can, and what you want to. There’s also a space at the end to send an additional message.
Thanks again, I’m really looking forward to hearing your views.

Nigel Hayler

    Children (8-12)Children (13-16) studyingYoung adults (16+) studyingAdults studyingTeachersActors/theatre (amateur)Actors/theatre (professional)Shakespeare fansGeneral audience (children)General audience (adults)

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    I am working at the moment to promote the book and get it out into the big wide world...
    Would it be okay for me to use a review quote from what you have said about the book?

    Please let me know here

    Please use this space if you want to give contact details or say anything else.